Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Final trailer

This is the final version of the trailer. There are several changes between the scenes that need to be addressed. The first scene is the egg scene. It was created with a mixture of auto key frames in order to open the egg and the camera angle was achieved by putting a camera on a track that circles the egg as it opens. The lighting and shadowing was created using three omni lights. The first one is at the front of the egg just behind the camera. The second is at the back of the egg just onto of the top of the upper half of the egg once it is folded back. The last camera is inside the egg itself. It is located directly within the golden carriage inside he egg.

The second scene is the plane takeoff scene. This scene was created by using three separate plans in order to make the ground. These plans where put into three strips. the first is the closest to the camera and is simply a flat plan with a grass texture on it. the second is the runway. It is again a completely flat plane but it has been given a texture of tarmac and then had a bumpy map applied to it. The last plan has once again been given the same grass texture of the first plan, however unlike the first one, it has several of its vectors moved up and down in order to create a slightly hilly look. The sky was quite tricky. It was created my putting the entire scene into a sphere, then after making the polygons of the sphere to be on the inside, it then had a sky and cloud texture applied to it. Lighting as an issue know because everything as encased in a big sphere. So in order to give the scene the same lighting I used a skylight with the intensity dropped down to just 50%. Then the plane  and the camera was animated using auto key frames

The third scene is the missile fire scene. This was created using a single plan with a grass effect applied to it  and the the sky was once again made by putting the entire scene inside a big sphere. Then I applied the skylight again and once again set its intensity to 50%. To animate the launcher, I used the Set key function. I stated by turning it and then made the top half tilt up towards the plane in the sky. Then once again with the Set Key function I made the rocket fly past the camera, towards the plane in the sky. The flames a scenpt nd smoke coming put of the rockets tail is created using the Super Spray particle generator with a smoke and colour effect added. The generator is linked to the missile using a link constant, so as missile moves the generator goes with it.

The fourth scene is the missile and plane dogfight. This scene was once again put inside a big sphere with the sky texture applied and a skylight providing all the light for the scene. The sun in the scene was created using an omni light with a glow effect applied and its intensity increased but with all the objects inside the scene exempt from its lighting effects. The missile once again had a particle super spray generator attached to it but this time the generator was set to already have stated before the scene begins, giving the effect that the missile was travailing before the the scene began. The plane and the missile have bother been animated using the auto key function rather then a path constraint. this is because it was easer for me to get the missile overshooting the plane using auto key then with a set path.

The final scene is that with the Octopussy logo floating in the air, written in big gold lettering. Once again the sky is created writhing a big sphere and a skylight gives all the lighting for the scene. the sun in know behind and above the lettering. The word "Octopussy" was created but extruding it from the text tool but the logo '007' was created but tracing the real logo in adobe flash, then extruding it in 3d max.
This time the missiles particle generator  has been told to stop generating particles 20 frames before the scene ends, giving the smock enough time to disappear and become see thought so it does knot block the lettering.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Complete Octopussy Trailer (version1)

This is the first version of the final trailer with all of the scenes together and the music applied. This might be the final version depending on the time frame.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

tutorial, 3d boiling and the reaction tool

THis is the vidio i created while learning to use the reaction tool in 3d max, its helps create the affects of gravity and how each objects will react to its enviroment.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

First attepted at dogfight

This si the first attept at the dogfight scene for my trailar, it is the missile chasing the plane as its advoids it, it will need a background and some clouds to fly though but it is not a bad first attemt in my opinion.

face morphing

This is the results of todays tutorial, face morphing. hte idear was to use the morphing tool to create and animate several features onto a head

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

First attept at plane take off for trailar

This is the first attept at making the mini plane take off for the trailar, in the finished product, this scene will be followed my the lanching of the missile, then an actrobatic scene where the jet is trying to get away. Its not a bad first attept and the main problum is the scenary its self. getting the ground, runway and sky right, along with the lighting will take some time.

Bone Tool Tutorial

This weeks tutorial is on using the bone tool. This is a tool that alow us to move body parts such as arms and legs in a reilistic fashion. Though the bone tool it was posiable to reasisticaly bend the two arms of a tourso. By combining both the skin tool and bone tool together, after applying and modifying the fins on the bones. we could move the arms, along with the skin of the bones inorder to create this little movie.